Who Is Andrews GRSEA?

A place for YOU – to join our delightful monthly luncheons, to become as involved as you want – or just to enjoy a great group for visiting!



AGRSEA are TRTA advocates, voicing their support for the maintenance and improvement of benefits of the Teacher Retirement System of Texas and for Legislators who actively support issues benefiting all retirees. We invest in our communities through volunteerism, encourage active teachers through multiple perks, and nurture our members with fellowship and meaningful programs.

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Current News

"Click the link above for information about the COLA! You can learn more if you goto TRTA with the following link:"

Approved Medicare Advantage Premium Reduction

Yearly Meetings

  • August 22, 2024 - 11:30 Lunch 1:00 PM Meeting - First Baptist Church, Midland, TX

    Click For Information
  • September 12, 2024 – 11:30 Alldredge Garden Café, Midland, TX
  • October 10, 2024 – 11:30 Andrews Country Club
  • November 14, 2024 – 11:30 Andrews County Club
  • January 9, 2025 – 11:30 Andrews Country Club
  • February 13, 2025 – 11:30 Andrews Country Club
  • April 10, 2025 – 11:30 Andrews Country Club
  • May 8, 2025 – 11:30 Andrews Country Club
Andrews GRSEA's Facebook Page

Andrew's Leadership

none Leadership Page Link none

Yearly Projects

none  Cookie Connection – Faculties and staff at Andrews ISD were treated to cookies / snacks on September 22, 2023, from AGRSEA. School personnel were also reminded that TRTA continues to lobby now for the benefits they will receive when they retire!

none  Sharpened Pencils – Hundreds of donated pencils are collected and distributed to campuses for students. Teachers are super appreciative of this gesture. Snacks for the staff add to the lounge display of pencils!


"Join, join, join our local Andrews/Gaines County Retired School Employees and have a voice! Be a part of 94,000 other voices that make up TRTA. Membership in TRTA increases our ability to have a stronger voice to protect our retirement fund and increase our annuities. Advocacy is a big part of TRTA and on the local level AGRSEA is an avenue to be informed with opportunities to volunteer, build friendships, and strengthen our voice. COLA, supplemental payments, and preservation of our Texas Pension Trust Fund happens with our membership growing and maximizing our voices in Austin.

- Debbie Burnett, 2nd VP